Google Developer Student Club
VIT Bhopal University
About Us

The DSC program is a grassroots channel thought which Google provides development skills, mobile and web development skills for students, towards employability.

For students to learn development skills, solve problems throught technology and inspire them to be world classs developers and changemakers.

Target Audience
DSC activities are targeted at University students and any others including faculty members who want to learn development skills and work to solve real-life problems.
Meet the Team
Get to know the people behind the scences.
The driving force of this community.
Recent Events
Web Development
For students to learn development skills, solve problems through technology and inspire them to be world class developers and changemakers.
Target Audience
The DSC program is a grassroots channel through which Google provides development skills, mobile and web development skills for students, towards employability.
ML Talks
DSC activities are targeted at University students and any others including faculty members who want to learn development skills & work to solve real-life problems.
Community Partners


The Coding Culture

AIBlitz #7
Our Sponsors

Coding Ninjas

Stream Yard

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